Well, here you go – my GF pancakes that I literally live on five days a week. They are so good, and fluffy too! The demand for these bad boys has been crazy. Pair them with my crispy bacon and maple syrup! – Megan McKenna, author of Can You Make that Gluten Free?
450 g (1 lb) gluten-free self-raising flour
2 eggs
300 ml (10 fl oz) semi-skimmed milk
olive oil, for frying
Put your flour, eggs and milk into a large bowl and whisk until smooth.
Place 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large non-stick pan over a low heat. When hot, add 1 heaped tablespoon of your pancake batter and swirl it into a small circle about 5 mm (1/2 in) thick. Depending on
the size of the pan, add another 1 or 2 spoonfuls in the same way. The circles look thin, but they will rise, don’t you worry!
Turn the heat up to medium and cook for about 1&1/2 minutes on each side, until fluffed up and lightly speckled brown. You’ll know when they’re ready.

Transfer the pancakes to a plate and keep warm while you make as many more pancakes as you can with the remaining batter. Remember to heat a spoonful of oil for each batch. Serve the pancakes with your chosen toppings.
This is an extract from Can You Make that Gluten-Free? by Megan McKenna.